Thursday, October 1, 2009

"I must be fine cause my heart's still beating"

Thom and I have both now officially created blogs. I sort of convinced him to make one as well, with mine going ever so successfully and all. He always tells me about these wicked adventures he has. Hes here at the moment, so I ask him for an example for you now...

"Thom, whats an example of an adventure you've had?"
...*pause*... "I 'borrowed' my dads van once and went to Akaroa."

Wow. Thom = my inspiration.

Its only now i figure that its probably not the best idea for him to be making a blog... with his life being so much more interesting then mine. And of course life is a competition and everything.

So i did a brainstorm of ways to make my blog better. Here's what I thought of;
-Put in lots of my drawings and music in it.
-Talk about my dreams and figure out what they mean
-Do some sort of long term, goal achieving, striving-for-something blog
-Wank on for ages about how crap my life is (bad idea... as its not that crap really)
-Wank on for ages about my opinions of everything
- Make enormous lies about my life to make it seem more interesting.
-A combination of the above.

I think I'll probably end up doing the last one.

Anyways, today was a good day. Oli and I did some music recording this morning in the lounge with all the doors open (as it was a lovely warm day YAY!). We are taking our time with the recording this time, multi tracking etc... making it sound nasty. However, so far its sounding remarkably similar to the live recording we did with Ben that only took one (very long) day. Hmmm....

Then Thom came round and we stole all his music and we made nachos and played lots of loud guitar. I was then prompted to tidy my room (which was a tip!). It was fun because i got to play with the Dyson vacuum. We made nachos. We ate nachos. I then had to stop tidying my room because the dust started to kill me (man I hate dust... the bastards). And now were watching the Michel Gondry dvd again, but this time with Thom. Michel Gondry is one of my all time favourite artists in the whole world. He somehow makes film which is so crazy similar to my dream life. Watching extended periods of Gondry films really messes with my head... I start to worry about how awake I am, and how much of real life is actually dreams... and how much dreaming I mistake for real life (which happens a lot more). Sleep and dream life, as well as the diluting quality of memory is something which really fascinates me (and I always love finding art that agrees with my head). Thats actually kind of one of the reasons I have this blog.

Something to look forward to.

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