Monday, September 24, 2012

Allenby Tce

For our art/design block this term we're doing spacial design. It's a really great paper and I'm loving it. We've all been given locations around Wellington to map and write about and inhabit and eventually do some sort of instillation/intervention in our site.

So my site is Allenby Terrace, which is a skinny staircase that leads down off of The Terrace, by Vic Uni. It's straight out of Point Break.

Anyway, this morning I did an intervention. My plan was to try and encourage people away from my site by handing out flyers.

They looked like this (click to enlarge... I think):

Unfortunately, I think the overall satire was too successful (the use of comic sans alone is too cutting. Type jokes. Love 'em) as people were generally skeptical of my flyers intentions.

I kept an eye on the site for half an hour. Most people would stop and look, but it was only a couple people who actually look a flyer.

Amazingly, noone took me up on my offer to not walk down Allenby Tce. Unless they did after I left, which in that case, awesome.

In the end, I think I am just too hilarious.

Sculptorial Update

I've found out in the past couple months that I'm a slow sculptor. Basically, this means that while I keep coming up with ideas, I'm not quick enough to make them all. So my brains faster than my hands. My sculptures jump from one thing to the next to the next. I guess I'm still trying out ideas.

Anyway. Here's kind of a taste of what I've been up to.

Big Al

Olwen in action...

Finlay is my absolute favourite (that's why he has the best name). He's made of polystyrene offcuts and wool and a stick. Here's a video of him in action...

He's more impressive in person.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Liquorice Rope

Today Oli and I made it back to Christchurch to stay with our family for a week. Somehow, we managed to be on the same flight as our friend, and top bloke, Jono. So, naturally, we made a movie with him on my cell phone camera.

You're welcome.