Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Damien Letter (age 11)

Mostly inspired by Vincents awesome blog, I wrote this letter as a character exercise for my film. It's an old letter, one of the first that Damien writes to NZ Post, asking for a job.

I found it hugely beneficial.

Dear New Zealand Post,

My name is Damien and I am 11 years old. I would love to work for you as a postman right away.

Ever since I was 8 I have always dreamed of being a postman/mail carrier/postie and so I know lots about the subject. However, your industry is one of secrecy and magic, and I wish to join your ranks to uncover more about your inner workings.

I love going outside, and I send letters all the time. Mail, as I am sure you would agree, is a much purer form of communication than email. My mum says that computers are made by “profiteering scum” and are the reason she is out of work (she teaches calligraphy). My dad is allowed one though, but only because he is involved with data input at work and computers are kind of the point. But I’m sure if he could he would do it all by hand.

I have always admired the skill and dedication that postmen/women show, delivering mail every day and in all weather conditions. You are all heroes. I also like how friendly you all are, and how you endeavour to know peoples name and when their birthday is. That is an impressive feat.

I do have a couple questions though.

1. Do you still drive in vans or has the movement officially been made to bikes?

2. Do you really get up at six am or even EARLIER?

3. Are you all afraid of dogs or is this a white lie?

As well as being my dream job, I am also business focussed, and your competitive rates and benefits scheme has definitely caught my eye.

Thank you for considering my application. I am ready for an immediate start.

Yours sincerely,

Damien Wickes.

ps. I am incredibly happy just knowing that this letter was delivered by the power and magic of the postal industry. I look forward to joining it soon.



A Brief History of Title Design from Ian Albinson on Vimeo.

Oh man oh man this is cool.

Monday, August 8, 2011


I work at Blockbuster Video. It's considered an awesome job due to it being easy. It is. People assume I just spend all my time watching movies. I do. But it's much much more than that.

And in order to convince myself of the benefits of my job, I have compiled this list.

Skills Callum Has Gained From His Job

1. Can alphabetise super fast.
2. Knows the difference between Horror and Thriller.
3. Can balance large stacks of DVDs in one hand.
4. Small talk.
5. Can nod and smile at the same time.
6. Can leave an answering machine message without wanting to die afterwards.
7. Time management skills.
8. Has "spare time" now (which I realised using number 7).
9. Can quote most of Fantastic Mr Fox.
10. I wear a watch now.

The last ones a cop out.

My job's amazing.