Sunday, October 28, 2012

Declan vs. Himself

Back in Christchurch for the week, I spent Saturday afternoon making silly movies with my cousin on my cellphone. Turns out it's the funnest thing in the world. After being initially pretty suspicious, he got so excited about it.

This is the first one we made, with Declan playing both roles.

Then after we finished that one, while taking my puppy Fritz for a walk, we came up with another idea. This was was all Declan's vision. There's an elaborate sequel involved with a character named "Dr. Zarcophagus", who has a snake that comes out of his chest. But we only had time to make Part 1.

Declan declared himself "Okay with being famous," and allowed me to put the videos on YouTube. Can't wait for the sequel.

And just as an extra bonus movie for the weekend, I made my first viral-cute-puppy-video with our dog Fritz.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


So, Hallowe'en is nearly amongst us. Again.

This year, we had planned on filming episode one of our Clark Spaggeerg TV thing which we've been writing ON Halloween, to save time/resources/having to throw two parties... but it seems people actually DO things on normal Halloween, that ISN'T being in our movie thing.

Anyway, we're filming in just under  month, so I'm in full organising guru mode. Part of which is this poster, which I bade share with you now...

Really looking forward to filming. It's a big party scene, so hopefully people are keen and actually come. Good times rolling ahead.