Sunday, November 25, 2012

19/11/2012 - 26/11/2012



Sunday, October 28, 2012

Declan vs. Himself

Back in Christchurch for the week, I spent Saturday afternoon making silly movies with my cousin on my cellphone. Turns out it's the funnest thing in the world. After being initially pretty suspicious, he got so excited about it.

This is the first one we made, with Declan playing both roles.

Then after we finished that one, while taking my puppy Fritz for a walk, we came up with another idea. This was was all Declan's vision. There's an elaborate sequel involved with a character named "Dr. Zarcophagus", who has a snake that comes out of his chest. But we only had time to make Part 1.

Declan declared himself "Okay with being famous," and allowed me to put the videos on YouTube. Can't wait for the sequel.

And just as an extra bonus movie for the weekend, I made my first viral-cute-puppy-video with our dog Fritz.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


So, Hallowe'en is nearly amongst us. Again.

This year, we had planned on filming episode one of our Clark Spaggeerg TV thing which we've been writing ON Halloween, to save time/resources/having to throw two parties... but it seems people actually DO things on normal Halloween, that ISN'T being in our movie thing.

Anyway, we're filming in just under  month, so I'm in full organising guru mode. Part of which is this poster, which I bade share with you now...

Really looking forward to filming. It's a big party scene, so hopefully people are keen and actually come. Good times rolling ahead.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Allenby Tce

For our art/design block this term we're doing spacial design. It's a really great paper and I'm loving it. We've all been given locations around Wellington to map and write about and inhabit and eventually do some sort of instillation/intervention in our site.

So my site is Allenby Terrace, which is a skinny staircase that leads down off of The Terrace, by Vic Uni. It's straight out of Point Break.

Anyway, this morning I did an intervention. My plan was to try and encourage people away from my site by handing out flyers.

They looked like this (click to enlarge... I think):

Unfortunately, I think the overall satire was too successful (the use of comic sans alone is too cutting. Type jokes. Love 'em) as people were generally skeptical of my flyers intentions.

I kept an eye on the site for half an hour. Most people would stop and look, but it was only a couple people who actually look a flyer.

Amazingly, noone took me up on my offer to not walk down Allenby Tce. Unless they did after I left, which in that case, awesome.

In the end, I think I am just too hilarious.

Sculptorial Update

I've found out in the past couple months that I'm a slow sculptor. Basically, this means that while I keep coming up with ideas, I'm not quick enough to make them all. So my brains faster than my hands. My sculptures jump from one thing to the next to the next. I guess I'm still trying out ideas.

Anyway. Here's kind of a taste of what I've been up to.

Big Al

Olwen in action...

Finlay is my absolute favourite (that's why he has the best name). He's made of polystyrene offcuts and wool and a stick. Here's a video of him in action...

He's more impressive in person.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Liquorice Rope

Today Oli and I made it back to Christchurch to stay with our family for a week. Somehow, we managed to be on the same flight as our friend, and top bloke, Jono. So, naturally, we made a movie with him on my cell phone camera.

You're welcome.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sculpture Farm

Okay. So this is an extremely valuable Damien Hirst artwork called "The Incredible Journey". It consists of real life, really dead Zebra preserved in formaldehyde. 


This is a $2.00 toy I bought at Pricebusters in Newtown of a plastic toy zebra suspended in silly putty. I've chosen this bizarre not-quite-a-knock-off as a starting point for my sculptures this semester.

Starting in paper and string.  

Then cotton thread.

(scary reverse angle)

Masking tape.


Masking tape and cotton thread.

Cotton thread and potato.

And a potato one again to round things off (Note the stripes). 

This is the haul after week two. More to come I'd say. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Egg King

My brother Oli has conquered eggs.

I have conquered mayonnaise, and recently (read: last Christmas) discovered I have by association conquered hollandiase sauce. Perhaps all of the naise's.

Together, we make breakfast the greatest meal of the day.

On a related note, Sunday has become "breakfast for dinner" day, and as a result, my new favourite day of the week.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

List - New Vices

The following have become dear to me as of 2012.

1.     Jelly Beans
2.     Crumpets (savoury/sweet)
3.     Oaty Slices (chocolate chip flavour)
4.     The Nerdist Podcast
5.     Breaking Bad
6.     Writing with black marker pens.
7.     Colour photocopying/printing.
8.     FYO Beer
9.     Bottled Beer
10.   Cup o' Soup
11.   Paul Thomas Anderson
12.   Watching films at the Embassy
13.   Watching films at the Paramount
14.   Spending money on stationary/art supplies.
15.   Spinach

 That is all. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Clark Spaggeerg's Truth Hunt

Back in 2009 or something, Oli and I, on a whim, promised our brother Sam that we would make a film about his life for his 21st. He forgot about this. So did we.

About a week before his 21st birthday we remembered this insane idea, and simultaneously brainstormed this preposterous idea to play it like an expose documentary mystery film. And his birthday party was that weekend.

We managed to cobble together enough footage to form this film, and I've finally uploaded it for the interwebs to see. I actually love this character so much, and we're in talks of making something more out of it. But I'll talk about that later.

In the meantime, here's Clark Spaggeerg.

(sorry Sam). 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Painting Final

Got to present my works yesterday. Really happy with how they turned out. Here's my final white painting I finished on Friday.

white #5 - acrylic on board

I put them up really high on the wall. I think craning your neck to look at works add a certain ...dimension.

Callum, Paige and the Trust Experiment

I finally convinced Paige to let me cut her hair. I was totally confident, spurred on by that Regina Spektor song, and also by Terry Devlin, my grandpa.

"Do you know what the difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is?"


"Three weeks! (laughs)"

Paige prepares.


(she was actually way happier when she saw it)

After trying to make the sides even and ending up cutting it WAY shorter then intended, I decided to go for asymmetry. WAY easier. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, but it was a bit touch and go for a minute there.

Anyway, anyone who wants me to cut their hair, step right up. I've got a lot of karma to make up on from the amount of times Steven's cut mine.


 Today I bought a suit jacket. I was showing Oli and he liked it so much that he decided to put his on to remind everyone how good he looks in a suit.


 In other news Oli has perfected his Cary Grant smoulder.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


1500 WORDS


Thought ya'll might appreciate some process photos, to understand just how state of the art my latest set of white paintings are. In case you're wondering, they're pretty much necessitated by my large collection of white acrylic paint. As well as a cautioned journey away from the highly saturated palette I'm accustomed to dealing with. I don't mean to undersell them. I'm actually really thrilled with how they turned out. They represent an exploration around a set of rules, and really feel like the first works in some sort of larger idea. However, my painting brief just finished, which is extremely bad timing. I would have loved to experiment further, but no doubt the distractions and priorities of next semester may hinder this slightly. Anyway, I see it as a door left open. Who knows?

white # 4 - acrylic on board