Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The *Afformetioned* Duck Feeding Game (AKA Duckdafuck)

Okay... here we goes. I feel sort of bad sharing this game because its too awesome, but whatevs. I'm impulsive and just too nice.


Ever gone duck feeding and been like; "Man... This is exactly like last time. I WISH there was something more to this!" Well, I did once. And so me and Paige competed in the first (and ever, so far) game of DUCKDAFUCK, the best bread orientated duck fun ever*!


Two or more people

Generic bagged bread (opt. mouldy)

Ducks (make sure you have lots. If you have only a couple then thats cheating and your boring and you chose a really bad place to feed ducks you idiot)

A pad and paper (for score keeping.. yay tally graphs!)


Well... it's very easy. More or less, it's an aim game.

Player A, please choose a duck. Now, point too that duck and make sure Player B knows which one you're refering to by saying something like "The baby one with the twitchy head" or "The male teenage one with the gimpy foot" or "THAT one!"

Next, Player B, making certain that you know which duck you've been assigned, throw a bit of bread at it. Your goal is to feed it (It has to eat the bread that you throw at it... duh). For each piece of bread that you fail with, make a mark on a tally graph, like so;

Next; swap the bread for the pad and go again. This time, Player B challenges Player A and so on and so forth until you've gotten sick of the game (impossible) or until you run out of bread (much more likely).


Play by golf scores. The person with the least tallys on their graph wins. But wins what?...

Always have a prize. It makes it way more fierce. You can decide on whatever you want. Maybe make it a slap bet! (dangerous). Me and Paige were competing for a kick ass round blue exercise cone thing that you might use for goal posts or something in PE. It worked as a mad hat. I didn't really mind when Paige won because it didn't even fit me anyway.... *cries*

HINT... The whole game rests on what duck you challenge. If you give your opponent a real whimpy duck to try and feed, chances are they'l spend ages trying to feed it while the bigger scarier ducks steal its food. You'll probably win through this tactic. I lost through this exact ploy.

This game may sound real easy to the non-duck feeders reading this post. But anyone who has fed ducks knows how crazy competitive they get. ALMOST as competitive as you'll get playing this kick ass game.

*besides duck sandwiches


  1. i shit you not, the code thing you type in to show you aren't a virus thing was rapest.
