I spent the entire weekend studying classics (read: reading Dan Browns new encyclopaedia). For those of you who are unaware, classics was sort of my one subject this year that I could miss. See, I couldn't miss art because i love it and it loves me. And I couldnt miss English and Music because those were sort of important to my future... and my "PLAN". And I couldnt miss maths because im scared of my maths teacher. And Art historys awesome, and far far too much fun (well... was. *tear*.) and thats it. SOO, whenever I had a music lesson or was really hungry or had far too much art to do, it seemed Classics had to bite the bullet, despite the fact that Mr Drurys the man, and I even went to Italy early this year on the class trips of all class trips. Well, it didnt stop Classics from going straight through me. I cant remember why I did it, I mean, I didnt really do very well at history last year... wait.... so, why DID I do classics this year?? If I knew I was going to be bad at it. Hmmmm....
So that brings me to today. The Odyssey went quite well (its pretty much english) and so did the pompeiian art bit. Everythign was going actually pretty smoothly, so by the time I got to the essay on Athenian democracy I was in a pretty good mood. But unfortunately Athenian Democracy as a subject doesn't hold the delights that you would expect from a topic that examines political developments of a era that we found underground. And plus I was sort of accidentaly absent for the good part of the topic. Oh, and dont forget Dan Brown fucking things up. And I didnt have a big breakfast. And the exam examiner lady was reading a book on GRAMMAR which made me laugh for a solid hour.
ANYway. Like halfway through my fluff filled essay on male citizenship I sort of, gave up. Mid sentence even... I just sort of realised I didnt know nearly enough to help me pass. This is sort of what happened (I'll note with a * where I gave up);
The punishments towards Athenians who broke the rules of Citizenship were incredibly strict. If a person broke the rules of citizenship, or pretended to be a citizen the * Athenian Police would arrest him. Then, they would make the offender sit in a small steel box in the sun for a week to think about what he had done. Then, if by the end of the week the non citizen had completely repented for his sins, they would give him a ten minute head start. After which the townspeople would chase him with long swords and sharpened wooden poles to the edge of the city limits. Then, the townspeople would celebrate with a strict and rigidly coreographed dance. The End... Well, I'm hungry. I'm thinking I might go get a sushi ball.
I get my results in January, so I'll defs let you know how I went. God I love NCEA.
PS. I still cant find that fucking chord. I guess no one will ever believe that Oli truely jumped that river... he did btw.
EDIT: I got my results back!!!! AAAAAAND Not Achieved. Ha. Saw that coming. I got very excited when I saw that it had been moderated, but Sam kindly reminded me that thats random. Huh. Next year!
I can vouche for you; he did everybody!
ReplyDeleteoh and the italics makes all the W's look like V's. So it sounds like you are a vampire. Which is what I should have done for my essay's, shitbricks.