Monday, May 23, 2011

Good News; Bad News

Good News; Forty Eight Hours

This past weekend I partook in the 48 Hours film making competition for the fourth time. And as what usually happens with 48 Hours, I had one of the most blisteringly productive and ludicrously enjoyable weekends of my life, and I don't know whether thats because of the thrill of the race, or the high that is film making itself. Seeing something that came from your own mind (or in this case, the minds of a bevy of incredibly creative and talented people) grow and develop and turn into something way cooler, and way real-er than your thoughts is outrageously exciting. It's a welcome reminder that this is what I need to be doing with my life. It is honestly so pointlessly obvious I don't know why I'm sitting here telling you when I can be out there doing it already, but I am. So stop arguing with me. Films man. Films. It's the only thing in my head at the moment. Well... not the only thing... (*tee he hee's). But the people around me can probably agree it's the only thing I talk about.

The other cool thing that this weekend did was show me just how awesome and talented my friends are. Like, for one, saying they'd do this for no other reason than as a way to have fun, or be creative, or as a favour, or whatever reasons they had, I am very grateful for. Also, everyone involved just gave it everything. The writing group... oh man, the arguments we had! The ACTORS! I mean christ, I did not see that coming. Brilliant. SO brilliant. And the music. Man, my brother is a god. And we were a team. For this one weekend we had this film. And it was the most important thing in our lives for a short while. Everyone just got fearlessly involved with it, and it was a beautiful thing to watch.

For those involved, sorry for being a cranky/uncommunicative git. You are all brilliant. Thank you. The film turned out amazing, and I shall definitely be posting it as soon as I can.

Bad News;
Forty Eight (and a Half) Hours.

Yeah, so we kind of took a wee bit too long, put a wee bit too much awesome into the film, that it took a wee bit longer than forty eight hours to finish, and so we got disqualified. We can blame schedules or technology or karma, but I really don't care that we did. The film stands as something I am proud to be a part of, and a wicked memory, and a perfect encouragement, and as experiences go I can't really ask for more.

Today is a win for optimism.

Now play this:


  1. Glad to hear you're getting all up in that shit.
    Wish I could have been there to help!
    Steven: wardrobe and soup catering.

  2. Next year we shall certainly have a steven on board. We shall fly you in special.
