Once there was a butterfly who was the happiest butterfly on the planet. He was a monarch which means KING and for him all days were glory days. Except one...
Because on one unfortunate day, the monarch was resting on a garden path when a VILE CHILD came along and touched his wings. It felt like monarch had walked right under a waterfall. He sat on the pavement, felt his spirit seeping out of the blemish on his lovely wing.
Suddenly he was joined by what the Animal Kingdom knows as HIGHWAY HEDGETROLLERS, more commonly known as badgers. Gingerly, the badgers took him in their paws and carried him along the hedge until they reached a trove deep in the forest where bird calls echo like raindrops. Monarch suddenly felt at peace with himself.
The rough badgers placed him on the grass and whistled. On his whistle, a hundred squirrels came and started making a huge daisy chain that they placed in a ring around him, and then squirrels and badgers alike formed a circle around monarch and sang his life into a song.
By now, monarchs spirit had seeped fully out of him but it danced on the breath of the singers. monarch's wings fluttered in the wind as he sighed and let himself go; to forever dance on the breath of anyone who is singing.
***improvised txt short story circa 2009