I just realised I never told you about my birthday. It was ages ago (February 16th), but I recently got back my photos from the photo guy man thing developer place so I thought now is as good a time as any to fill you in on the greatest birthday ever.
This year, our birthday fell on a Tuesday. Amazingly, it coincided with our Bitch, Please practices for the 'Eeep a Gig' gig. It was Tuesday, and beautiful and sunny. I got off school an hour early than everyone else (which I tend to do on Tuesdays) and walked all the way to dog log park. Not that long, really, but Im trying to make a story out of this. When I arrived, toting guitar in hand, Georgia and Steven were sitting waiting, along with Paige and Alex! Awesome! AND they had a wiked pile of presents!! Apparently they had made a day out of doing birthday prep stuff for Oli and I. It was so exciting. I was giggling with glee the whole afternoon. I wasn't allowed the presents until Oli arrived, but I did get given my card from Paige. It was, and still is, the greatest present I have ever ever been given. It was hand made with copious amounts of cellotape and had dinosaurs and tape and stars and felts... Im giggling describing it. It sits now, pride of place, on my bookshelf next to my Lyttleton Idol hat!! Most auspicious (?). We then spent time writing homework for Alex because she's still in school and everything (much like me, but she complains more (although has reason to. Im just angsty)).
When Oli arrived we got to dig into our awesome pile of presents. Mine included: more cards! a choooodie!!!! (which was actually a card, not a present) a disposable camera (photos to follow) !!!! DINOSAURSS!!! LOS CAMPESINOS!!! WATERCOLOURS!!! HUMOUROUS COMICS!!! And other things... i think. They were all really wrapped very nicely (which I love) and had my name on all of them. Oli got nice presents too... But I cant remember what they were... it was over two months ago.
And then we sung songs in the park and jumped around and put on each others clothes and took humourous photos of one another and experienced general merriment really. Best birthday ever.
That night we went to Winnie Bagos for tea. I brought Paige and that was when she got to meet more of my enormous family. She did very well not to get overwhelmed and die from all the attention. Luckily, it was my birthday, so I generously helped her with some of it. We split a pizza... Half smoked chicken cranberry and brie, half ROAST DINNER. Yes. Complete with roasted veggies like pumpkin and potatoes and kumura and gravy.... OH YES. So delicious I wept. I got some really nice presents as well, from my family. It was a very nice occasion. I even got a beer. I got some really nice presents from my family. Sam gave me and Oli an Arj Barker Twin Pack (lolz) which was awesome, so we went back to our place with ma and pa and paige and grandpa and watched disk one, drank tea, ate carrot cake (YUM! Thanks mum!) and soaked in general merriment. I think it was a pretty great way to turn 17.
Il post the photos up next. They're film, so Il have to scan them. I hope that works. If it doesn't... uh... Il draw shitty representatives on Microsoft Paint.